Privacy Policy

1. Reginvest s.r.o., as the controller (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”) guarantees the security and protection of the entrusted personal data in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”) and with Act No.18/2018 Coll., Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amending and supplementing certain acts, as amended from time to time.

2. COOKIES. When using the website, cookies (files that provide tracking of user activity on the website) may be stored on the device used by the user to access the website. The conditions for storing and processing cookies are:

  • The user always has the possibility to agree or refuse the storage of cookies, in the settings of their web browser – by allowing or refusing the storage of cookies.
  • By allowing the use of cookies, they can be stored on the user’s electronic device:

long-term cookies, which remain on the user’s internet browser even after the user has switched off the device used to access the website (these cookies can be deleted by the user at any time or are automatically deleted after a few weeks or months, as the case may be).
By his/her consent, the User also authorises the Operator to use cookies for its own record-keeping or statistical purposes and for the purposes of targeted advertising of partners with whom it has entered into special agreements for the display of advertising on the website. The user’s consent lasts for as long as the settings of the user’s internet browser are maintained. By changing the user’s browser settings or by prohibiting the use of cookies, the user’s consent is no longer valid.

The operator is not responsible for the storage of cookies on third-party websites or the use of cookies stored on the user’s terminal device by third parties.

Refusal of consent (refusal of cookies in the web browser), the operator cannot guarantee the complete functionality of the website

temporary cookies, which are automatically deleted when the user’s web browser is switched off,

3.1 Personal data from contact forms
By filling in the contact form on our website, you can ask us for more information about the products and services we provide. In order for us to provide you with the necessary service or information, the following contact personal data is necessary: first name, last name, company (workplace/employer) of the user, e-mail address, telephone.
Subscription to service information messages (e.g. confirmation of form submission) or service emails in subscribed paid services (e.g. contract documents, order confirmation) cannot be cancelled as they are part of the services provided.

3.2 Sending marketing emails
Emails from the world of online news and marketing with interesting content will only be sent to you with your consent. You can confirm your consent by clicking on the link that we will send to your email inbox, which will ensure that we check that your consent is for the email address you have provided. This consent is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by email or in writing.

3.3 Website traffic statistics
Our website uses cookies. The data we collect through cookies is anonymous and cannot be attributed to a specific person.

We will treat your personal data responsibly and in accordance with applicable European legislation. We use manual processing and automated means to process personal data. All data is stored on secure servers located in the European Union. Data is not disclosed, transferred, processed outside the EU and is not disclosed or provided to third parties, except to the entities and processors listed in section 5 of this policy.

All data you enter into online forms is encrypted with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates. The processing of data is mainly carried out by computer technology, which provides us with the necessary security, to reduce the risks of unauthorized manipulation or to prevent its destruction or loss. Personal data is protected to the maximum extent possible by means of modern technologies that correspond to the level of technological development and the level of risk of misuse.

Access to personal data is restricted to a few authorised and instructed agents and employees. We are committed to maintaining technical and organizational measures that prevent the misuse, corruption, loss or destruction of personal information. We assure you that our employees, are required to maintain the confidentiality of personal information and security measures, the disclosure of which could compromise the security of your personal information.

If you wish to meet personally with our professional consultant, who is our authorized contractor, we will provide him/her with your personal data to provide the requested service. He will only process your personal data for the purpose of providing the service or information you have requested and only for the time necessary to provide it. The processor will only process personal data to this extent and in accordance with applicable legislation. We also protect your personal data by signing a contract with a confidentiality obligation for the duration of its validity as well as after its termination.

5. Disclosure of data to third parties:
Your personal data processed by us may also be processed by third parties, provided that this is necessary for the performance of our obligation to you, our clients or for the provision of our services. When selecting these partners, we always ensure that a high standard of protection of your personal data is guaranteed.
The personal data of the data subject may be processed in countries of the European Union and countries that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The transfer of personal data may only take place to third countries whose legal regime is considered by the European Commission to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data.
Both processors and sub-processors are bound to process your personal data solely for the purposes as described in this policy. Your data is not disclosed to third parties for independent use or processing beyond the purposes set out in this Policy.
This personal data processing policy may be unilaterally amended or changed at any time.